Press release: Exhibition 'Golden Times' about love, happiness and success
Visual artist Claire Verkleij of Let The Colors Speak was inspired by the themes of love, happiness and success for this exhibition. What is a golden age, when do you experience a golden age and what is the optimal balance in life? These questions have inspired Claire in creating this 'Golden Times' exhibition.
The exhibition 'Golden Times' can be seen in Galerie Waterbolk from 17 to 23 July.
Visiting address of the exhibition:
Galerie Waterbolk, Schoutenstraat 10, 3512 GB Utrecht.
For opening hours and more information, see
Note to editors
Additional explanation about the exhibition
Love, happiness and success are scenarios depicted in the paintings that visual artist Claire Verkleij of Let The Colors Speak made especially for the exhibition 'Golden Times. In addition to the new works that Claire created for this exhibition, paintings from previous exhibitions are also on display. This makes the exhibition extra varied because a wide range of themes and types of works are on display.
How did the exhibition come about?
Claire Verkleij “For this exhibition I was inspired by the questions: what is a golden age, when do you experience a golden age and what is the optimal balance in life?
When do you know if you are living your best life? When do you live in a golden age? What is your most beautiful life and how do you know that you are living in a golden age? What is love and what is happiness?
Questions that you usually cannot answer directly. Colors sometimes speak louder than words and the paintings contain the answers that you sometimes cannot give in words. The paintings reflect a feeling and answers.
How did you arrive at the theme 'Golden Times'?
Claire Verkleij: “I am currently in the prime of my life, or at least that is how I experience it. The world is at my feet, I am healthy, happy and feel loved. But when do you know that you are living in your golden age? What is a golden age and how happy can a person be? Giving love, getting love and losing love. What is a good balance when it comes to love and success? These are questions that inspire me and make me think. When is the circle complete?
More information & images
Let The Colors Speak, Claire Verkleij
More information about the artist
Claire Verkleij, owner and founder of Let The Colors Speak. Claire is an intuitive visual artist where colors form the basis of every work of art she creates. It always starts with a color and the rest follows automatically. Colors have a power, a power to evoke a feeling and tell a story. Colors allow you to communicate in a way that words cannot convey.
Let The Colors Speak offers a collection of colorful art products.